March 6th, 2023


Bugflow now has GitHub Support 🥳! You now can record all visual web feedback right to the GitHub repository of your choice. Including, both Public and Private Repos!

Our Very Own GitHub App

A huge advantage that GitHub has over other repository providers is the functionality provided through GitHub Apps. The process of allowing guests and outside contributor feedback is a breeze. Simply connect your GitHub repo through our GitHub app and Bugflow will send feedback directly to your code repository. This allows developers to get all the information such as screenshots, browser details, bug location and descriptions right away so they can solve the issue quickly.

With the GitHub app, if an authenticated user on your repository records feedback, the issue comes from that user. If a guest user, outside of your repository or organization, records feedback it comes with information from the user through the Bugflow GitHub app. This allows you to easily collect feedback from all users of your app without having to add them to your project. The process even works for user feedback within Open Source apps!

Public and Private Repositories Supported

Both public and private repositories are supported out of the box. If you are working on an app for your job and want to use Bugflow to report feedback, it's ready to go! Working on an Open Source project? We have you covered as well! You can allow all users on the repo to report bugs from their own user account and guests through the Bugflow GitHub App. We use Bugflow on our open source projects. Check out some of the feedback recorded on ServerSideUp's Docker PHP images for an example of how we use Bugflow to find issues and report user feedback.

Upcoming Next Release

Browser Extensions. We want the feedback process to be efficient as possible and that's with Browser Extensions. We've been working on Chrome and Firefox to get started but we will have Safari and Edge shortly after.

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    Dan Pastori
    Jay Rogers